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Our Latest on ironSource LevelUp: Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When You're Writing Game Mysteries

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We're excited to share that Brunette Games CCO Lisa Brunette's latest piece for ironSource LevelUp is live! The Top 5 Mistakes Game Mystery Writers Make - and How to Avoid Them covers everything from how to develop your characters with a light hand to how to keep from revealing too much too soon, or too little too late. With hundreds of mystery game titles to her credit, not to mention a bestselling novel series in the genre, Brunette's expertise is tried-and-true:

To avoid the pitfalls of character design, don't be afraid to torture your good guys, or to lend a sympathetic ear to your crooks. We'll feel your hero's win all the more if she's had to prevail against her own worst judgment in order to get there. And a villain is all the more diabolical for her charm.

Read the full article on ironSource's Medium page.

Mystery Deck


Read Our Latest Article from ironSource, on Humor Writing for Games

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By Dexter Woltman

Recently, global software company ironSource LevelUp published an article written by yours truly on Medium. Expanding on my other blog topics about humor in casual gaming, this article discusses how to use comedy to bridge connections with players. With valuable insight on the mobile gaming industry and plenty of funny examples to go around, this is one read you won't want to miss!

To check out the piece for yourself, head over to Medium by clicking on the link or image below.

Punchline: How to Use Humor to Bridge Player Connection


'Power of Storytelling in Blockbuster Casual Games' - A Data-Driven Collaboration with Om Tandon


Brunette Games Founder Lisa Brunette recently co-authored an article with popular industry analyst Om Tandon of UX Reviewer on the subject of why and how narrative fuels the rise of many blockbuster casual mobile games. "Power of storytelling in blockbuster casual games" is part of a series in which Om takes a deep dive into what makes top tier games in this space tick. In part 1, Om looked at how to crack the match-3 code, part 2 featured an interview with the Playrix team behind the Gardenscapes and Homescapes phenomenon, and here in part 3, Om interviews Lisa.

You can read the full article at GameRefinery, but here's an excerpt:

It's like the old saying goes: Trying to design a major hit game is like trying to capture lightning in a bottle. If there were one sure formula, everyone would have a hit, right? While many ingredients make a game popular with players - from a well-designed match-3 puzzle to the right blend of customization and progression pacing in the decorating element - it's our opinion at Brunette Games that a quality story is key.

With so many match-3 games on the market, and so many decorating games as well, story could be one of the key distinguishing factors you have at your disposal.